Directors - Kamen Vodenicharov, Misho Landzhev
Script - Georgi Milkov, Kamen Vodenicharov, Svetla Staykova, Stanislav Penev, Tanya Dimova, Tanya Ilcheva
Camera - Georgi Georgiev, Bobi Hristov, Martin Mitkov, Milen Mladenov, Nikolay Iliev, Radoslav Georgiev – Bagera, Yulian Rachev
Music - Lyubo Kirov, Konstantin Savin
Producer - Kamen Vodenicharov
This film presents all the historic stages that the city of Sofia has passed through, to get its contemporary form. The story is going by the timeline of the city's history – from the first artefacts found in the Sofiysko Pole since 6000 year BC until today. The film tells a story about archeological discoveries, architectural achievements and town planning, science and cultural achievements. We see the brightest events and facts in the public life of Sofia, we see the role of important figures and the people, living in the city for 8000 years.
This documentary collects and connects the series from the already existing documentary sequence 5 Minutes Sofia.


  • 29.03.2019
    DOM NA KINOTO - 18.30 часа