Nadine Labaki's fourth project as a director was honored at Cannes 2018 with the special social responsibility award, with the Ecumenical Jury Award and the prestigious Jury Prize. Award winner from festivals all over the world - Calgary, Ghent, Melbourne, Montreal, Sarajevo, Stockholm, Sao Paulo, as well as dozens of nominations, "Capernaum" was among the contestants for "Golden Globe" awards in the best foreign language film category and is also in the list of nine films from which Oscar nominations in the same category will be selected.
The film tells the story of 12-year-old Zain (Zain Al Rafeea is truly unique in this role!), who lives with nine more brothers and sisters in a very poor Lebanese family. The boy decides to sue his parents with a concrete accusation - "lack of love". Zain sues them on behalf of all children in a similar situation because they have given him a life despite of their full awareness that they can't take care of him ...
Through Zain's dramatic story and his battle for justice, Nadine Labaki, who is a scriptwriter of "Capernaum", focuses the audience's attention towards the life and destiny of the people in the poorest neighborhoods of Lebanon, focusing on the vulnerable world of children there. The film acts as a platform for all who live without basic human rights for education, health and love. It is no coincidence that Labaki and the casting director of the film Jennifer Haddad, have chosen nonprofessional actors with a destiny close to those of the characters.
„Те почти играят себе си и всъщност дават глас на безгласните в тези невидими общности, - казва пред „Variety” Надин Лабаки. - Филмът се опитва да бъде средство, чрез което да бъде чут гласа на тези хора, така че той да резонира възможно най-силно. Именно признанието, номинациите и престижните награди позволяват това да се случи. Надявам се чрез „Капернаум” да се хвърли повече светлина върху тези проблеми и по-специално върху всичко, свързано с правата на децата по света.”
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